I love capturing extended family sessions & The Jensens were no exception. This session was out on the family farm & required a bit of drive off the beaten track but so worth it. I drove down the long drive ogling at the beautiful, rugged farmland, the old sheds, foxgloves…it just went on and on! If theres one thing about us photographers it’s that we’re always looking for good location spots. Our family road trips usually consist of me staring out the window at all the wonderful places I could photograph someone. If I stopped every time we’d never get to our destination!
The Jensen clan had tied this evening in with a big family dinner so everyone was relaxed & keen to make the most of the family photos. We started close to the old farmhouse but wandered casually along the drive stopping at various places along the way. This farm had obviously been in the family for generations, you could feel the connection they all had to the place & there were special little places dotted all along that they wanted photos taken in front of such as the old bridge & the shed. I was told little stories during the session about how they used to all play in the front yard as kids & that their mum designed the whole garden in front of the house-it was absolutely beautiful with self seeding flowers everywhere you looked, a dream for a fellow gardener like me!
The evening finished with a classic kiwi bbq & fortunately I was invited to stay for dinner before heading back on the road. I’m so fortunate to have met this wonderful family & their generosity, it was the sort of session that I went home buzzing & couldn’t wait to get home and edit all the photos! In enjoying their evening & making a bit of an event of it I hope that they look back on these photos with fond memories for years to come.
Thanks for making my job so easy you guys!